
Summary of 2011 and objective of 2012

Now looking back to 2011, there was some change in my environment.

About 2011

From my impression, changes are ...

  • Found new jobs at TopGate Inc.
  • Attracted Google's technologies.
  • Attracted Groovy programming language.
  • Trying to do off-shore work in Vietnam.

About No.2

I just started to study Android technologies at a community named Saitama Android Board.
As I learned Android technologies, I found that there are limitation of Android to create an interesting application without any server or any service.
So I had become tending to learn cloud technologies like Google App Engine.

About No.1

And it was good time to learn Google App Engine because my former company gave me a time to learn Google technologies. But in my former company there is some wasting and boring procedure to search and to learn new technologies. So I decided to change my job, to get a new environment. And luckily vvakame, one of my twitter friend, told me to work together in TopGate Inc where there are some programmers familiar with Google technologies. And I changed my employment from former one to TopGate Inc.

About No.3

At the same time to change my job, I was introduced to Groovy programming language. It was kimkou_26, one of my twitter friend, that told me the most powerful and exciting language. Groovy works on Java Virtual Machine with supporting almost all of Java technologies and with light syntax. Groovy attracted me very much. And with Groovy I met some programmers on groovy community.

If you ask me to decide which gave more impact on me, Google or Groovy, it is too difficult for me to decide. Because the objective is different and I love both technologies.

About No.4

Working foreign country become common to programmers in Japan. Because Japanese Yen is becoming so strong among these days that it costs higher to employ Japanese than to employ Chinese or Vietnamese for them to do same thing. In my project it finished in failure. But I'll get success on off-shore projects this year.

Next 2012

I'd like to work as listed bellow.

  • To work on Google Apps Installation
  • Create TopGate's additional value
  • To get success on off-shore project

About No.3

As I mentioned before, I'd like to get success in off-shore projects. From the view of the cost of project to work outside Japan cannot be ignored.

About No.1

This is my objective to work installation Google Apps to a customer. It seems Google considers Google Apps as their most successful cloud technology. And I think the tendency of companies to move from owning their server to using existing service becomes more popular. So it is business chance to become major company.

About No.2

TopGate Inc. is the re-seller of Google technologies. But I want to add additional G technology, I call it Yet Another G Technology. I mean Groovy and its co-production, like Grails, Griffon, Gradle, with these production we can offer some solutions faster than ordinal technologies. And this may cause create a value for our customer. By becoming familiar with these technologies, we -- TopGate Inc. -- will be able to establish our excellent brand image.

To reader of this blog and to another person, thank you this year!

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